Drawing conclusions from the nuclear accident in Fukushima
The news of the nuclear accident in Japan is incredible. The situation escalates and the Tokyo metropolitan city is at risk of serious radioactive contamination. In Germany, protests increase against nuclear power, and politicians have agreed to a moratorium, in which the life extension of some German nuclear power plants will be suspended for three months. This however is just a political move to keep the campaign positive as experts and public voices are raised. On the night of March 17th, the nuclear power plant in Phillipsburg left the network. It is uncertain what exactly will happen after the three-month moratorium when the nuclear power plants are on the grid again.
There is a legitimate growing concern in the population about the safety of nuclear power. Currently clients have the opportunity to change to a nuclear-free electrical provider at any time. They may change to a renewable energy which may help to phase out nuclear energy and even to encourage further community projects.
Nuclear power, an incalculable risk
The out of control Fukushima nuclear power plant proves unequivocally to the people that nuclear power is anything but under control. From the very beginning Japan needed international support to assist with the earthquake and tsunami damaged nuclear power plant to bring it back under control.
The news from Japan, on the other hand, brought news of rising pressure in several reactors, explosions, the drying out of the cooling tank for fuel, increasing the release of radioactivity, and the desperate battle of 50 brave people to avert a nuclear meltdown. Assistance from the U.S. and Europe were interrupted because of rising radioactivity, and thus the assistants were removed. In the meantime, the capital of Tokyo, with its 35 million residents, was told not to evacuate.
The scenario that is broadcast worldwide on news channels can cause people around the globe to faint. The question is legitimately being asked, why can’t the leading nuclear experts and brilliant scientists of Japan come up with adequate solutions to avert an absolute nuclear disaster? One must not be at the Fukushima nuclear power plant to find solutions. High technology operations can assist and offer ideas from anywhere in the world.
Total security is unrealistic
Accidents at nuclear power plants can happen in any country that uses this technology. To believe that Germany’s nuclear power plants and safeguards for emergencies are better equipped than those of the high technological country of Japan, is measured by environmental organizations, and was long ago disproved by the facts as nothing more than a wishful belief.
Green power, power without nuclear power
Germany can get along without their nuclear power plants, as specified by experts and environmental organizations. Namely Germany produces excess electricity which is sold abroad. Nuclear power plants shut down and a targeted shift to renewable energies is not a utopia, but easily doable for Germany, the leader in the world in environmental technology.
The switch to a nuclear-free option is easy and straightforward
Demand determines the market. When more and more electrical customers choose nuclear-free electricity, the power company will follow.
The current customer has much more influence than he suspects, and it is easy to change to electrical suppliers who provide green electricity produced entirely without nuclear energy. A decision can be made at any time with little formalities by the providers. Being afraid that suddenly there would be no power during the change is unfounded. The non-nuclear power company can guarantee this would not occur.
Some suppliers for nuclear-free electricity and informational websites on green
Nuclear-free green power does not have to be more expensive than nuclear power, and thus the consumer would not experience any unpleasant surprises. There are internet platforms on which to calculate the costs.
What many do not know is that the green power providers are available for the current customers. Also, electricity from different renewable resources are available to choose from, and one has the additional option to opt for providers that support social projects.
Some examples:
Verivox green calculator
On the website of „Verivox” (german) one can take a close look at prices for green power and at the same time determine charge differences between the current provider and changing to a green electrical provider.
Green Electricity Price Comparison
“Nuclear-free electricity“ (german) is another platform for individuals and business customers to compare prices. One can calculate costs for one’s own electricity use.
Greenpeace Energy
The environmental organization Greenpeace has specially created a cooperative to offer green power called “Greenpeace Energy” (german) and at the same time is developing more innovative projects. One project is the hamburger “car-sharing pilot project,” using green energy-powered electric cars.
Ray of Hope
The provider “bright spot” (german) provides electricity from renewable energy sources, ensuring that electricity does not come from nuclear power or coal power plants.
There are many other providers and it is worthwhile to research the different options of renewable energy sources that power actually comes from, and one can read the interesting facts of how the different green electrical providers contribute to the local and international community and the environment.
Author: Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network, March 17th, 2011
Pure Nature has completed the power switch to nuclear-free three years ago . There were no problems while switching to “bright spot”. The employees of Pure Nature are very enthusiastic in helping find ways to save energy, be more energy efficient, and whenever possible, to conserve resources.