Archiv der Kategorie ‘Environmental Disease‘

Gluten-free diet reduces bone problems in children with celiac disease

Celiac disease is a congenital intestinal disorder that is characterized by a lifelong intolerance to the ingestion of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Celiac illness can occur at any age, but most of the intolerance occurs during early childhood (between the 9th and 24th month of life). Frequently, people who suffer from celiac problems have a decrease in bone density. A current article published in the medical journal, Nutrition Reviews, has reviewed the existing literature on the subject and revealed that a gluten-free diet can strongly influence recovery in children.

Celiac disease can reduce bone density

Metabolic bone disease is among the most significant and frequent complication of celiac disease. Decreased bone mineral density in children can lead to the fact that they are not in a position to develop optimal bone mass and bone loss in adulthood. Both increase the risk of developing, osteoporosis. People with celiac disease, also run an additional risk of bone fractures.

Gluten-free diet can lead to recovery

However, there is evidence that a gluten-free diet can promote an increase of bone density quickly. This can lead to complete recovery of bone mineralization in children. A gluten-free diet improves bone mineral density in adults, but normalization is rare. Children can get normal bone mass if the diagnosis and treatment were carried out before puberty. This also prevents the development of osteoporosis in later life.

Moreover, nutrients which contain calcium and vitamin D seem to improve bone mineral density in children and adults who suffer from celiac disease.


“Our findings reinforce the importance of a strict gluten-free diet, which currently appears to be the only scientifically proven treatment for celiac disease,” said the study authors. “Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to complications from celiac disease, such as preventing reduced bone density.”

Literature: Wiley-Blackwell, gluten-free diet Reduces bone problems in children with celiac disease, October 8, 2009

House Dust, the Underrated Hidden Danger

Who likes to clean dust? Honestly, I do not, but what must be done, must be done, especially if one reacts violently to household dust mites. The mites are not the only problem, and certainly not the greatest.

Household dust is not a matter that is relevant only for housewives, because apart from the annoyance of constant clean up, it is also one of the largest sources of pollution for the whole family. It offers a welcome reservoir for heavy metals, anti-flame retardants, pesticides and plasticizers. Children are particularly at risk since they have direct contact as they often play on the floor and put things into their mouths. Because children are still in a stage of development, pollution can have significant effects. Lead, in particular, can affect the nervous system. A further complication is that their body organs are also still in the developmental phase, including the organs that detoxify the contaminants. Sensory and chemical allergies are another risk factor.

Dust: A Source of Pollution in the Home

Canadians launched a national study of house dust over a four-year period. (1) It is already becoming apparent that the whole problem, which is associated with the dust in our homes is very underestimated. Furniture, electronics, building materials, even toys have one thing in common. They are constantly emitting gases of harmful substances. These are bound up in house dust and distributed throughout the living area. If the resulting dust is not removed regularly, a high source of a potential pollution exists. Children are particularly at risk because they suffer from hand-mouth contact quickly through exposures which the scientists from Health Canada have already made known.

From the Street to the House

It is still largely unknown to scientists where all the components of household dust come from. One known source is certainly the dust that is introduced by our shoes into the house. With this, not only bacteria and germs are introduced, but also particles of pollutants from road traffic, pesticides, chemicals, molds, pollen and more. Especially in rural areas, for example, the pesticide pollution from agriculture is often disproportionately high, so there, it’s important to leave the shoes at the front door. (2,3)

What’s so Bad About Dust?

House dust is serious, because it consists mostly of fine dust that is can enter the respiratory track and therefore immediately enter the blood stream. With certain chemicals and metals, this is especially pronounced. They can affect the memory as these poisons accumulate in our bodies. Some of these memory poisons, such as those in most household dust like anti- polybrominated flame retardants, will remain years to decades in our bodies. During this period other new substances are constantly added which brings not just interactions with other chemicals, but will inevitably also have further health consequences.

Heavy metals like lead and mercury, for example, which accumulate in house dust, are found in some indoor concentrations which are higher than they are in water or soil around the home environment. As a further complication, common allergens from pets, dust mites, pollen and mold, which burdens the immune system of allergy sufferers as well.

Dusting is required

In order to limit the hazard of household dust, regular thorough vacuuming and wiping up or mopping is required. Frequent hand washing, especially in children, helps to reduce the burden. Everyone should always take off their shoes upon entering the living space, particularly to reduce the introduction of heavy metals and pesticides. In flame retardants, which are found in large quantities in household dust, it is difficult, because home appliances, upholstered furniture, and other household items are constantly giving off gases which are hard to prevent. The best solution is to keep dust and its health consequences at bay. In addition to the aforementioned measures, it is important to use the vacuum, dust clothes, and mop in and around the home as much as possible to reduce the exposure to chemicals. It will take scientists some time to discover the affects and the consequences from chemicals and other factors in household dust.

Author: Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network


  1. Health Canada, The Canadian House Dust Study, January 30, 2007
  2. Chensheng Lu2, Richard A. Fenske, Nancy J. Simcox and David Kalman, Pesticide Exposure of Children in Agricultural to Community: Evidence of Household Proximity to Farmland and Take Home Exposure Pathways, Environmental Research, Volume 84, Issue 3, November 2000, Pages 290-302
  3. NJ Simcox, RA Fenske, SA Wolz, IC Lee, and DA Kalman, Pesticides in household dust and soil: exposure pathways for children of agricultural families, Environ Health Perspect. 1995 December, 103 (12): 1126-1134.

Politicians Support Environmental Patients who React to Chemicals

Education Campaigns for the Chemically Sensitive

The governor from the state of Washington in the U.S. has signed a proclamation this year which will support people who suffer from MCS, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The month of May each year highlights information regarding this environmental disease and how tiny traces of everyday chemicals can cause suffering and completely alter the lives of those with MCS.

During the month of May, the United States holds various events and campaigns which are carried out in order to give the public more information on MCS. The public acceptance of environmental disease could be significantly improved by these educational events. In recent years, more new MCS organizations have begun from different parts of the world, and perhaps this American initiation of chemical sensitivity awareness can become an international affair to improve the situation chemical sensitive worldwide.

Governor Christine O. Gregoire

The State of Washington


WHEREAS, people of all ages in Washington have developed a condition known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) as a result of a single massive exposure or repeated low level exposures to toxic chemicals and other irritant in the environment; and

WHEREAS, MCS is recognized by numerous organizations which support the health and welfare of the chemically injured including the World Health Organization, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Social Security Administration, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental Protection Agency; and

WHEREAS, MCS is a chronic condition for which there is no known cure; symptoms include chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pains, rashes, asthma, headaches, and other respiratory and neurological problems; and

WHEREAS, MCS can result in major financial, employment, housing, health, and social consequences for people who have this disability; and

WHEREAS, reasonable accommodations and raising awareness of MCS can provide opportunities for people with this disability to enjoy access to work, schooling, public facilities, and other settings where they can continue to contribute their professional skills, ideas, creativity, abilities, and knowledge; and

WHEREAS, people with MCS need the support and cooperation of family, friends, coworkers and society as they manage their condition and adapt to new lifestyles;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christine O. Gregoire, Governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim May 2011 as

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month

in Washington State, and I urge all citizens to join me in this special observance.

Signed this 24th day of January, 2011

Governor Christine O. Gregoire

Author: Silvia K. Müller, Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network, 18. Feb. 2011

Literature: Governor Christine Gregoire O., Proclamation 2011 MCS Awareness Month

Chlorine in the swimming pool can ruin your health and cause cancer

Experts call for alternative disinfectant for swimming pools

Indoor swimming pools in cities were once a status symbol. Now there are other factors to consider. The cost for the maintenance of swimming pools is enormous. But there is another factor that is not often in the foreground, but certainly plays a role: chlorine – the chemical added to disinfect the water. Chlorine is effective and cheap, but it is toxic and has destroyed the health of many lifeguards and swimmers. In some cities there were staff shortages in the pool, because one lifeguard after another died because of cancer.

A recent report on the health hazards of chlorine in swimming pools:

Swimming in chlorinated indoor or outdoor pools may increase the risk of cancer. Because of this fact a team of researchers has been created by Manolis Kogevinas at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona. The researchers have identified more than 100 chemical intermediates in chlorinated pools. They advise not to stop swimming in pools, but want to achieve a change in terms of hygiene and in bathrooms which would require swimmers to make adjustments and to wash thoroughly with soap before the swim.

“Chlorine is a highly active microbial killer and reacts with a variety of organic substances. These include skin cells, sweat and urine, the bathroom specialist Rudolf Wagner declared at a water workshop for the press-text interview. “If one takes a shower before the swim, one reduces these reactions immensely,” said Wagner. “An alternative to chlorine is ozone. This oxidant is less strong and less reactive.”

Chlorine: High reactivity

Although chlorine is an effective bacteria killer, scientists have long warned against the negative consequences for human health. The team with Kogevinias discovered from a 50-member group of subjects, that some of the intermediates of the disinfectant were poisonous and never before found in swimming pools.

The swimmers had their blood, urine, and breath tested before and after a 40-minute swim in the water. After the session, the subjects showed some increased markers of DNA damage that can lead subsequently to cancer. The chemical intermediates enter through the skin and respiratory organs in the body. Nevertheless, the researchers point out that it is too early to conclude long-term health problems from these short-term changes.

Previous studies have shown that lifeguards suffer from increased asthma, respiratory problems, allergies and ear, nose, and throat irritation.

When making plans, consider health risks

In new planning and renovation of swimming pools safe disinfectants should be prioritzed. Exposing pool staff and swimmers to chlorine and its toxic breakdown products, based on research results in recent years, should simply be no longer acceptable. It is easier not think about the health risks for employees and swimmers even when experts are calling for further research but it is unacceptable to continue to expose these people to the known health risks..

Author: Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network

Literature: PT Austria, Chlor im Pool: Ziemlich ungesunde Mischung pte/14.09.2010

Scientific findings on the causes of contact allergy

Fragrances, which are used in many households and skin care products can cause contact dermatitis when oxygen is exposed to air, as this research shows as presented at the dermatologist conference in Gothenburg, at the University of Gothenburg and at the Sahlgrenska Academy.

The Swedish researchers have focused their research on identifying how these can be activated by contact with oxygen in the air and how this in turn affects the skin. A specially focused study examined whether the activated fragrance caused a contact allergy in eczema patients at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital Dermatology Clinic and at the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department of Dermatology in Malmö. It was found that a high percentage of the 3,400 patients with eczema had an allergic reaction to the tested fragrance substances.

“In an effort to get a deeper understanding as to how contact allergies occur, we now use state-of-the-art microscopes to track what happens to an allergen when it enters the skin,” said Ann-Therese Karlberg, Professor of Dermatochemistry / skin allergies and researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy.

When determining how an allergenic substance works, it must be also taken into consideration the skin’s ability to activate a substance by metabolism.

We have developed a mixture that corresponds to the composition of real skin enzymes. We use them to find out if the chemicals can be activated in the skin and to see what the allergen is.”

The discovery from the Swedish scientist will help health service providers by developing new diagnostic tools to correctly diagnose allergic contact eczema, and long-term contribution to reducing the number of cases with allergic contact dermatitis. For the patients, a correct diagnosis that they can avoid exposure to triggering substances, and to heal their eczema gives them a chance.

“Future research will include evaluating new diagnostic methods and conducting more in-depth studies on what penetrates the skin. This will allow us to develop new drugs and to replace the only treatment, cortisone ointment, which is currently available for eczema,“ said Prof. Karl Berg, who believes that their research through their effects on producers, consumers and legislators can improve the prevention work.

Contact allergy

It is estimated that in Europe almost 20% of the population is affected by a contact allergy, which means that patients develop eczema when they come into contact with substances to which they are allergic. After nickel, fragrances are the most common cause of contact allergy. For this type of allergy, there is no cure, but cortisone cream can alleviate the symptoms, and avoiding all possible contact with the allergen is helpful as well.


Ann-Therese Karlberg, Göteborg University, New discovery of the causes of contact allergy, 6 October 2010