12 tips for environmentally conscious and healthy living
Our planet is suffering and it is time that we are careful with resources and the environment. With a little thought and know-how, anyone can contribute to a healthier environment and thus to a healthier life for themselves.
- Use items over again, instead of constantly buying new products. Look around to see if the item you are considering purchasing is actually needed.
- Surround yourself with natural durable materials, instead of polluting the environment with plastic materials.
- Avoid unnecessary products, like room fragranced sprays, and air fresheners which pollute the environment and are often unhealthy. Instead, ventilate with fresh air which is free!
- Switch to organic, which reduces pollution and is better for your health. Shop at local farmers markets, which cuts down on transportation of products.
- Fill the washing machine completely, not only half way. Dry your clothes outside instead of in the dryer.
- Turn off electrical devices when they are not in use. Pull the plug out from the wall because otherwise many devices will consume more power.
- Avoid bottled water. Drinking plenty of water is healthy, but the transportation of this water to markets is often long. Water from plastic bottles also takes more resources and can lead to more pollution. Filter your tap water which saves money and resources.
- Take a basket or tote bag to the market with you instead of constantly using new plastic bags which can pollute nature.
- Avoid expensive packaged products.
- Do a lot of walking instead of always using the car. It consumes less fuel and is better for the environment.
- Power with “green energy.”
- Plant a tree in the garden. It filters the air, produces tons of oxygen and binds the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.