Organic Food in Schools Costs Only 24 Cents More

100 percent organic food for children in schools and kindergartens

The scientific findings in recent years leave no doubt that children should receive as much organic food as possible. Conventional food, especially fruit and vegetables are contaminated with pesticides and other agro- chemicals. Although it is said that maximum levels for certain pesticides are rarely exceeded, that doesn’t mean it is safe and clear for all consumers. The trick of the agricultural industry is easy to see, just use different pesticides in the exchange and thus press the values for the individual pesticide. Moreover, recently the limits have increased for a number of highly toxic pesticides EU-wide. The Pesticide Action Network released results from new inspections, which can detect the degree of pesticides used. Celery, for example, contained 69 different pesticides. No one can predict the health effects of such pesticide cocktails except that such food is not healthy. Disorders such as hyperactivity and attention-deficit disorder in children are under scientific investigation with a connection associated with elevated pesticide levels.

For only 24 cents more, one can have organics on the table

Usually the argument given to parents has been, “Organic food is too expensive”, but that is not the case. For only 24 cents more, parents can inform the schools, kindergartens, and day care centers that organic food for children and young people is indeed affordable.

AID reported that many initiatives in recent years proved that organic food is not too expensive. There is also an increasing percentage of organic components incorporated into the daily meal. That even the whole so-called, out-of-home, on organic food can be changed. It is more of a question of commitment. For example, the Munich-based initiative “Bio for Kids” just a four-year project, carried out the organic commitment very positively.

Using start-up funding from sponsor companies, a total of 28 facilities have succeeded in fully converting to organic without any problem. Everything was represented from parents having their own kitchen staff to external caterers.

The cost increases were kept to very manageable limits

The main meal cost per child was only 24 cents more, compared to conventional food. It is important that institutions become independent and no longer remain dependent on sponsors. The mystery of the small additional cost was reported in the improvement of kitchen management: Systematic shopping, less meat, the production of long-term supply plans, seasonal cooking or resorting to organic products from the region all played a crucial role.

Reasons why you should use organic food in the kitchen

The purchase of organic food supports sustainable land management and protects nature and the environment. Organic products contain less nitrate and residues of chemical plant protection products (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides) than conventional products. Fruit and vegetables from organic farming compared to conventional products have a higher nutrient density and a higher content of secondary plant substances. Animals are fed appropriately and kept – no growth and performance enhancers are used. Organic foods are carefully processed, only a few additives are allowed. Shopping for regional and seasonal products will also strengthen the regional provider, saving long-distance transportation. In addition, the value chain of organic food can be wonderfully explained; whether one has preschoolers or school children.

Are there good arguments against having organic food in schools? NO

There is nothing one can say against organic, and for only around five Euros a month, organic meals in schools are a viable investment that will ultimately be offset by better performance and healthy children.

Healthy eating can be fun – chefs show how to do it

Some top chefs are in great need to instruct children in healthy eating. Jamie Oliver has cooked time and time again in schools and provided delicious recipes that taste really great to children.

In Dortmund, the German chef, Mark Haxton, has cooked with children is a primary school. This year, eleven other organic cookery events with students in various German cities, have scheduled events with this chef. He is not the only German chef who is committed to organic farming on the website, for example, we can see other projects in which children were obviously having much fun cooking organic food and tasting too. Parents should show courage and propose that their child’s school convert to organic. Perhaps parents can even suggest other ecological projects or help make it possible to create and organic garden for the school, which brings children closer to nature.

Author: Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network


  • Aid, 100 percent organic food for children, June 9th, 2010
  • University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Sarah Yang, Release: Children susceptible to pesticides longer than expected, study finds, 22 June 2009

Natural ways to keep bees and wasps off the terrace and balcony

Bees and wasps are also beneficial insects, and do not need to be controlled chemically – use natural alternatives for protection instead

Life shifts to the outdoors as the wonderful warm season begins. The terrace, the garden, and the balcony often replace the living room and dining room for breakfast. Nothing compares to a fresh morning breakfast start, enjoying the first rays of sun out in nature. Unfortunately, quickly pests such as wasps and bees appear, also smelling the delicious things on the patio table from afar. This can also be dangerous if they go unnoticed and fly into a glass or have contact with a food that enters the mouth.

Tips and home remedies for wasps and bees on the patio and balcony

  • Leave no open jam jars or sweets on the table
  • Use mosquito hoods for use sausage plates
  • Cover glasses and cups
  • Screw bottles or always put a closure
  • Hang wasp traps made of glass or clay with attractant (sugar water, beer, etc.) at some distance
  • Grow plants with natural repellents or plant in pots, for example, lavender, thyme, or marjoram
  • Put an orange or lemon studded with cloves on the table
  • Use a fan (insects do not like drafts)
  • Set up the evening blue light bait
  • If it is really bad, hang a summer canopy of netting and set the table underneath. This can also be very decorative

One should do without any type of chemical pesticides (sprays, plugs with pesticide, pesticide-containing candles or incense, stickers with integrated pesticide, etc.). They usually contain nerve poisons that are effective but in the long run, very harmful. Bees and wasps are also beneficial insects, and do not need to be controlled chemically. You have natural pesticide alternatives to use for protection instead.

Author: Silvia K. Müller, CSN – Chemical Sensitivity Network