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12 tips for environmentally conscious and healthy living

  Our planet is suffering and it is time that we are careful with resources and the environment. With a little thought and know-how, anyone can contribute to a healthier environment and thus to a healthier life for themselves. Use items over again, instead of constantly buying new products. Look around to see if the […]

Allergies caused by cuddly animals

An early determination of whether a child is sensitized to inhaled allergens such as pollen, mold or dust mites, serves as an important prognostic factor. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of small children is quite difficult to perform. Scientists from Belgium found that stuffed animals have an influence on the development of allergies in children. Testing to […]

Medicine: Causes of nasal polyps discovered

Heredity, allergies, environmental factors, and chemicals on the job The cause of polyps in the nose has been long regarded as a largely unknown. Children, like adults, may be affected from these benign growths in the nose, making it difficult to breathe and may also lead to significant physical impairments. The size of the growths […]

MCS stakeholders sign petition to the World Health Organization

WHO receives delegation of representatives for the environmentally ill On May 13, a petition from the WHO delegation of stakeholders from MCS and EMS patients, physicians, scientists, lawyers and journalists in Geneva will be received. The delegation will be welcomed by Dr. Maria Neira, Director General of Public Health and Environment, WHO confirms. WHO confirmed […]

Natural ways to keep bees and wasps off the terrace and balcony

Bees and wasps are also beneficial insects, and do not need to be controlled chemically – use natural alternatives for protection instead Life shifts to the outdoors as the wonderful warm season begins. The terrace, the garden, and the balcony often replace the living room and dining room for breakfast. Nothing compares to a fresh […]

Easter Eggs – Those who want to be safe, will buy organic eggs

Conventional eggs come mostly from chickens fed on GM feed The scandal of dioxin contaminated eggs was off the table as quickly as it appeared. Will consumers be lulled into security and peace of mind for Easter eggs in the supermarket now? Is every egg now purchased free of dioxin? That remains to be seen. […]

Use of hair dye chemicals can affect the immune system

Hair dyes are involved in the development of autoimmune diseases and cancer The first gray hairs indicate our aging and many have only one thought: The gray hairs must disappear. There are many hair dyes on the market, but most contain questionable chemicals to produce their coloring effect. Recently scientists at the University of Copenhagen […]

Allergists warn to pay attention to the drug allergies

One in every three drug-allergy patients, takes the medicine again Drugs can not only relieve symptoms but can also cause them. More than seven percent of the population suffers from a drug incompatibility, many of which are allergic problems. Common triggers of drug allergies are penicillin and other antibiotics. Painkillers like aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) are […]

Nuclear phase-out now, customers have energy options

Drawing conclusions from the nuclear accident in Fukushima The news of the nuclear accident in Japan is incredible. The situation escalates and the Tokyo metropolitan city is at risk of serious radioactive contamination. In Germany, protests increase against nuclear power, and politicians have agreed to a moratorium, in which the life extension of some German […]

Gluten-free diet reduces bone problems in children with celiac disease

Celiac disease is a congenital intestinal disorder that is characterized by a lifelong intolerance to the ingestion of gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Celiac illness can occur at any age, but most of the intolerance occurs during early childhood (between the 9th and 24th month of life). Frequently, people […]