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Easter Eggs – Those who want to be safe, will buy organic eggs

Conventional eggs come mostly from chickens fed on GM feed The scandal of dioxin contaminated eggs was off the table as quickly as it appeared. Will consumers be lulled into security and peace of mind for Easter eggs in the supermarket now? Is every egg now purchased free of dioxin? That remains to be seen. […]

Use of hair dye chemicals can affect the immune system

Hair dyes are involved in the development of autoimmune diseases and cancer The first gray hairs indicate our aging and many have only one thought: The gray hairs must disappear. There are many hair dyes on the market, but most contain questionable chemicals to produce their coloring effect. Recently scientists at the University of Copenhagen […]

Scientific findings on the causes of contact allergy

Fragrances, which are used in many households and skin care products can cause contact dermatitis when oxygen is exposed to air, as this research shows as presented at the dermatologist conference in Gothenburg, at the University of Gothenburg and at the Sahlgrenska Academy. The Swedish researchers have focused their research on identifying how these can […]